However, the value and importance of Energy Management may be broadly bulleted like this –
Cost reduction and saving
Caring of environment
Various other or Miscellaneous Benefits
Cost reduction and saving:
Increased energy consumption in domestic, industrial and commercial sectors has significantly increased due to economic progress, technological enhancement, rapid industrialization, our ascending living standards, change in lifestyle & gadget dependency etc. This has been a matter of concern because of the present-day economy, which is mostly a carbon-based economy.
Along with the energy-saving & energy cost reduction, the organization can also obtain, as the part of Energy Management exercise, other indirect cost reduction too in form of maintenance, downtime, etc.; thereby enhancing competitiveness and business growth.
If properly implemented, Energy Management can achieve savings of the order of 10-25% during the first 2 years of implementation. Saving potentials are quite high for companies new to the energy management system.
Caring of the environment:
By carbon-based economy, we mean that most of our energy requirements of the economy are met by the burning of fuel whose major component is carbon. This carbon in the fuel undergoes an exothermic oxidation reaction in the presence of oxygen-producing heat and carbon-di-oxide. The heat so generated is then used either directly for heating and cooking or as a motive force as in the case of internal combustion engines or is used to heat other fluids that may finally be used to generate energy in the form of electricity as in the case of steam turbines.
Hence basically, the complete economy is dependent on the burning of carbon in various forms for its energy needs. This carbon may be in the form of coal, petrol, diesel, natural gas, methane etc.
The sketch depicts the close relationship between Energy and Environment in an industrial process
Various Other or Miscellaneous Benefits:
The Energy Management system helps the organisation to build up a positive corporate image. It also helps the organization in the trade-in form of retaining old clients, access to new markets/clients, etc.
Energy Management can very well fit into the organization’s CSR and Environmental protection programs by contributing to Carbon footprint reduction, Reduction in Environmental impact, community contribution etc.
Energy Management for Global Warming and Climate Change:
Global warming and its effect on climate change have now become one of the most challenging tasks of this millennium. Integrated and Concentrated efforts in this regard, have now become the need of the hour. Any small amount of reduction in the use of fossil fuel and an orientation towards renewable or unconventional energy resource will be of great help as it may have a chain positive effect in the direction of saving the earth.
Although price and cost are the major components of any economy and call for saving and efficiency enhancement in all possible areas of operation this carbon-based economy is indeed a matter of concern for our environment and nature additionally. As a result, energy-saving & energy conservation, as well as environmental protection, go hand in hand.
This calls for managing the energy in such a way that its effects on the environment are nil or at least bare minimum. Energy management is to boost a Green World and to cut off wastages. Hence, energy management should not only be practised at the organizational level but should also be exercised at a personal level as well.
Energy Management System:
Energy Management starts with simple acts of using the energy judiciously and optimise the energy usages.
Energy Saving and Efficiency improvements need to be done at every stages. Energy Balance, Energy Audit and incorporation of Energy Management Systems prove helpful to identify the focus areas of improvements.
importance of Energy Management may be broadly classified as –
Cost reduction and saving
Caring of environment
Various other or Miscellaneous Benefits
Energy Management can achieve substantial savings of the order of 10-25% during the first 2 years of implementation. Saving potentials are quite high for companies new to the energy management system. It also can be the world’s saviour too by reducing carbon emission and nullifying global warming.
ISO standard 50001 can provide its framework for Energy Management System, which enables an organization to take a systematic approach, in order to achieve continual improvement of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and consumption. Energy Management System can contribute a lot to the Business Value Creation process.
Energy Audit is the verification, monitoring and analysis of the use of energy including submission of technical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost-benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption.
Energy Management system audit needs a different type of approach. While auditing a process and map the audit findings to this PDCA first before zooming in to the actual specific clause requirement.